Canine Health Foundation Research Project
Grant #305

Please help to make this study a success!
All breeds welcome!

The AKC CHF has funded Dr. Wayne Potts of the University of Utah to learn more about deadly autoimmune diseases in dogs ( CHF Grant #305).  If you have a dog that has been diagnosed with thyroiditis (hypothyroidism)diabetes, or hemolytic anemia, please take this consent form Adobe File to your veterinarian to find out if your dog has the diagnostic profile needed for participation in the study.  Malamutes have been reported to have all three of these diseases.  See the science summary below for technical information about what Dr. Potts hopes to accomplish.  And THANK YOU for your help!

Please note that the "Consent Form" is provided in .pdf file format for easy printing. If you do not have "Adobe Reader" software installed on your computer, you may obtain a free copy by clicking the icon provided here.

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Science Summary

Many autoimmune diseases occur only in individuals expressing one of a few predisposing histocompatibility alleles.  For example, all cases of type I diabetes in humans are associated with only two of the many class II histocompatibility alleles.  Consequently, if the frequencies of these few alleles were reduced by half, the incidence of diabetes would be reduced by half.  Here we propose to characterize histocompatibility susceptibility alleles for three major, heritable canine autoimmune diseases - diabetes, immune-mediated thyroiditis and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.  If any of these three debilitating (or lethal) autoimmune diseases have a restricted number of susceptibility alleles it will allow: (1) development of diagnostic tests for identifying individuals at risk for prophylactic therapy and research and (2) reducing the incidence of the disease by reducing the breeding of individuals carrying the predisposing histocompatibility alleles.  For each of the three autoimmune diseases, we propose to collectDNA samples from approximately 100 purebred dogs diagnosed with the disease.  Polymorphic class II (DRβ, DQα and DQβ) and class I (DLA-88) histocompatibility genes will be cloned and sequenced for the affected dogs.  Histocompatibility alleles will be tested for significant associations with each of the autoimmune diseases.